Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Basics of Cardio Training

The health benefits of  cardio training are many.  It helps burn fatty acids, increases stamina, lowers blood pressure, improves bone density, and the list goes on.  I, personally, do not like cardio.  I would rather clean my toilet than do cardio training.  I find it boring and you cannot 'visibly' see results like you can with weight training.  But, alas, we do not live in Tracy's world.
Cardio exercise should be a fundamental part of any exercise program.  The term 'cardio' is short for cardiovascular. That is the system of the body that involves the heart and blood vessels.   Cardio exercise increases your heart rate which, in turn, increases blood flow to the muscles and lungs.  It also causes your vessels to widen to deliver oxygen to your muscles and carry away waste products (carbon dioxide and lactic acid).  The release of endorphins, natural painkillers, to increase well-being is also a response of your body to this type of training.    
Cardio training can come in many forms; playing sports, running, swimming, walking, and cycling amongst others.   You may ask, 'where do I start'?  If you are a beginner, I would recommend you start out walking or light jogging for about 20-30 minutes a day, 3 days per week.  If you have been exercising for about 6 months or more you can increase the amount of time  to 4-5 days per week or mix it up by doing HIIT.  HIIT is short for high intensity interval training.  This is where you run/sprint for a short time then recover.  Ex., sprint for 20 seconds, recover for 40 seconds.  As you become stronger, you can increase the sprint time and decrease the recovery time.  HIIT burns more calories in less time than steady state cardio.

When picking a cardio program, choose one you will enjoy so you will stick to it.  Always mix it up as your body adjusts quickly and you may become bored.  Drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated.   And last, get a clearance from your doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The most nutritious food on earth

In certain parts of the world, the coconut is revered as a cure for all illnesses and a valuable source of food.
To me, it has a wonderful scent and a light, sweet taste.  For those who don't particularly like the taste of coconuts (I don't know who would), there are products like coconut milk and creamer that do not have a 'coconutty' flavor.
If my husband was Tom Hanks on Cast Away, he would starve because the only foods one can eat on an island are seafood, bugs, & coconuts.  My husband dislikes coconuts a lot.  I, however, enjoy them.
When most people think of coconuts, they think of the fleshy, white 'meat' center of the nut.  There is so much more to the coconut than just the meat.  Coconuts also provide milk, juice, & oil.  Coconuts are the most nutritious food on earth.   They carry many health benefits including MCT (the healthy fat), fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

Recently, I went on a detox and discovered coconut milk, creamer, cultured milk, and raw coconut crystals.  Virgin coconut oil has been a staple of my diet for almost 2 years. It has been scientifically proven to help burn belly fat because it contains short and medium-chain fatty acids that help in taking off excessive weight.  It increases the body's metabolism by removing stress on the pancreases, thereby, burning out more energy & helping obese and overweight people reduce their weight.   It is also an excellent moisturizer for the face and hair.  I use it in my homemade sugar scrubs.    
There are many populations where coconuts are a staple in the diet.  Hence, people living in tropical coastal areas who eat coconut oil as their primary cooking oil, are normally not fat, obese, or overweight. 
If you aren't including this nutritional powerhouse in your daily diet, I would highly recommend you start doing so today.  The many health benefits you will reap from this addition will be much worth it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fitness Training for Women

Hi my name is Tracy Valentin.  I am currently in the process of receiving my certification as a CFT.   This blog is about fitness training for women.  My goal is to help women achieve their weight loss and fitness desires.   You can count on this blog to provide you with sound nutrition, exercise advice, and proper equipment usage.  TKV Fitness Training blog is Fitness training for women: your source for no nonsense advice.
If you are interested in going beyond just the advice on this blog, you can contact me for one-on-one personal training.  I am in the process of completing my CFT exam and will be certified within a few weeks.